#Benefits of compression socks womens skin#
Also, athletes living in tropical locations could be unmotivated to wear compression garments after training sessions once those garments usually promote higher skin temperatures. For example, uniform issues would limit whole-body garments in some sports. However, using CS (bellow-knee) “only during” the exercise are probably more practical (than during recovery, after-exercise) for a significant number of sports/activities. There are different types (e.g., shorts for thighs, full-leg) and application modes (e.g., using only after the exercise) for compression garments. 3– 6 Such popularity is probably boosted by the possibility to obtain potential ergogenic benefits with a simple and low-cost aid. 2 Nowadays, recreational and professional athletes have used CS as a tool for improving performance or accelerate recovery from training or competitions, and also to reduce lower limb volume, 3, 4 relieve symptoms of muscle soreness, and fatigue.

1 Over time, the interest from the basic medical area has expanded to other fields like Sports Medicine. The prevention of deep venous thrombosis is one of the first evidence-based benefits of wearing compression stockings (CS), demonstrated by a clinical experiment in which CS improved the venous return by increasing femoral vein blood flow velocity in hospitalized patients.